Larisa Haupt

Principal Research Fellow, School of Biomedical Sciences – Queensland University of Technology

Associate Professor Larisa Haupt is the Stem Cell and Neurogenesis Group Leader and Diagnostics and Functional Genomics Program Co-Leader within the Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health at QUT. A/Prof Haupt has extensive research expertise in the extracellular matrix, stem cells, cell and molecular biology and human molecular genetics. Her research team has a particular interest in the role of the extracellular matrix, with a focus on the proteoglycans, in the regulation and dysregulation of cell behaviour including lineage specification and cancer. A/Prof Haupt and her team utilise molecular and cell biological in two- and three-dimensional culture models as well as next generation sequencing platforms to unravel these complex mechanisms in humans. She and her team have identified a role for HSPGs in human neural stem cells (hNSC) proliferation and lineage specification and a potential role for these important proteins in breast cancer tumorgenicity.