Martin Obschonka

Professor, QUT Business School – Queensland University of Technology

Prof Martin Obschonka is Director of the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research and Professor in Entrepreneurship at QUT Business School. He is a global expert in the psychology of entrepreneurship. In 2018, he was appointed as International Faculty Fellow at MIT Sloan School of Management. In 2019, The Australian ranked him among the top performing 40 researchers in Australia in his generation. His research spans applied psychology, entrepreneurship, vocational behaviour, economic culture, and social, economic, and technological change. He is Associated Editor of Small Business Economics and International Journal of Psychology. He is on the Editorial Board of Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, and Management Review Quarterly. He has a significant activity in academic entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial eco-systems and is interested in the application of new scientific knowledge in society.