Nicolas Voelcker

Director, Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication – Monash University

Professor Nico Voelcker leads the Process Engineeering Theme. He is the Scientific Director of the Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication, Professor at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Monash University and Science Leader at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation CSIRO). The core research activity in his laboratory is the study of silicon-based nanostructures and their surface chemistry. Following from this more fundamental research, his focus is on the application of silicon-based nanostructured materials in biosensors, biochips, drug delivery and regenerative medicine. He has authored over 420 peer-reviewed journal articles with over 14,000 citations, h-index 58, and has filed over 30 patents. He has received fellowships from the German Research Foundation (DFG), the CSIRO, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, is a recipient of the Tall Poppy Science Award, a finalist for the South Australian Scientist of the Year 2015 and the Australian Innovation Challenge. And he has served on the College of Experts of the Australian Research Council and is a member of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.