Yi-Chin Toh

Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Medical & Process Engineering – Queensland University of Technology

A/Prof Yi-Chin Toh is a Future Fellow and Associate Professor at the Queensland University of Technology. She obtained her B.Eng in Chemical Engineering and Ph.D in Bioengineering from the National University of Singapore in 2001 and 2008 respectively. Yi-Chin’s major scientific contribution is in the advancement of microfluidic tissue models for applications in drug testing and experimental biology. To date, she has published over 50 papers in leading scientific journals such as Biomaterials and Lab on a Chip. Her current research interest is in engineering multi-scale tissue models to mimic complex biological interactions during human development and diseases, as well as translating them into scalable platforms for disease modeling and drug testing applications. Her lab is also working on integrating microfluidics and biofabrication technologies to realise a new generation of human-on-chips. Dr Toh is a recipient of the Australia Research Council Future Fellowship, National University of Singapore Research Scholarship, A*STAR Graduate Scholarship and A*STAR International Fellowship.