Gail Risbridger

Deputy Dean, Strategic Projects, Department of Anatomy & Developmental Biology – Monash University

Professor Gail Risbridger is expert in prostate cancer and Men’s Health. Her laboratory-based program generates pre-clinical knowledge of potential new therapies and evidence to change clinical guidelines and practice. She uses human specimens that reflect the tumour biology and clinical heterogeneity and has one of the largest global collections of carefully curated pre-clinical models (xenografts and organoids) of prostate cancer. To advance and contribute to major international research on drug discovery, development and validation, the program shares its resources for programs/projects, and builds infrastructure and capacity in consortia. She serves on Governance bodies (e.g. Cancer Council Victoria, State Board PCFA, Freemasons Foundation for Men’s Health) and on the executive of Andrology Australia she was a leader in development of a National Men’s Health policy in 2010. She is currently an NHMRC Fellow Senior Principal Research Fellow at Monash University.